Astrological Choices - What Kind of Astrologer Will You Choose Or Choose to Be?

 In any human issue category there is a huge number of service providers to choose from and astrology is no exception. Just put any category title into a search engine and you can get thousands or even millions of possibilities. On a moment of curiosity I just Googled my own name and got 4,120,000 entries.

I had no idea I was that popular (me and every other name like mine). This staggering amount of information is so far beyond anyone's ability to research just one item meaningfully. Just how do you determine quality within such enormous quantity?

Since our subject is astrology and astrologers, does an astrologer have to be professional, accredited, famous, or just plain available? If you happen to be a budding astrologer in pune you will have to make choices as to what kind of an famous astrologer in pune you will become. Your choices will involve the services you offer to clients, your skill and credibility. plus personal motivations and goals. I am offering an overview of several considerations to help you make valid astrological choices for yourself and eventually for what you offer your clients.

As you understand what underlies your own motivations and choices you should be able to apply the same reasoning to the choice of an astrologer to read you.

Motivation - Where are you coming from in your philosophic outlook? Do you see this as a service project, a way to make money, a profession, love of the study itself or some other basic personal drive? Are you more interested in self-help, fun, business, relationship, evolution, or other astrological technique? How does a study or work of this type fit into your personal belief systems? Personally you will need to resolve any inherent conflicts or face a lifetime of self-questioning. When choosing an astrologer to read for you, you need to be aware that they face the same questions in their own choices.

Personality - Are you clinical or a more personally sensitive person? Some readers are subjectively involved in their reading. Others readers prefer objectivity. Astrology provides a diagram, a personal map of an entity in wheel form that allows examination of their life. You can use the wheel in so many different ways.

One of those is the choice between the subjective or objective approach. Do you prefer the personal approach or the arms-length approach? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others with a once a year reading done in a one-hour increment perhaps in writing or on a pre-recorded tape or even computer generated? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others personal access with the ability to call back with questions? Each of us is human and will choose the role most comfortable, the one that fits into our personal norms and provides us with good results. Look at your self first.

How do you see yourself reading as an astrologer? Do you want to be the clinician or the sensitive when you read for others? Then take those questions a step further. What kind of astrologer would you choose to read for you? Do you want the clinician or the sensitive to read you?

Setting - Are you more comfortable in a business-like setting such as a formal office, for either seeing or becoming an astrologer? Are you more comfortable in a home-like atmosphere for being read by another or in doing a reading for another? Do you want strangers ((before the reading) inside your personal space because each person who enters our personal space whether they be astrologers or not bring their personal influence into our space. With the many years I have practiced astrology, I have read clients in both in a business and a personal setting and I have encountered myriad settings when someone reads me.

We do what is available and what is comfortable to us. Perhaps your choices will involve the possibility of a setting, urban or rural, private or public, or availability of resource. Many students study in quiet because of religious or philosophical differences with their personal families and their extended or cultural families, Each of us have the choice of setting whether we are studying, or being read or we are reading for a client.

For more Info:-

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